Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer Exchange

Well, my partner received her ornament, so here are our ornament. She stitched me this one below. I have it hanging on my bulletin board with all my other ornaments. I am very happy. Here is the one I stitched for her. It is a Lizzie Kate pattern. I loved the pattern but I should probably have stuffed it more. As I look at it now I really should have stuffed it more. I was thinking that it would look good thin but I don't know now. But it is a cute pattern.

I'm going to bed so thanks for stopping by.


Monday, June 15, 2009

My Birthday

Saturday, my family took me and my brother Ricky out to Red Lobster for our birthdays. Well, mine was in May and his was early June. We had a great time eating and visiting. My sister-in-law, Mari bought a ready-made cake and put the numbers 37 and 40 (near of which are my real ages but we celebrated my "40th'").

My sister Bridget paid for me to attend a scrapbook convention as my gift. As for my sister Jennifer, well she made this beautiful bag. I love it. I have been admiring the two that she made for herself, the one made for Momma, and the one she made for Bridget (CORRECTION: Our friend Lisha made one for Bridget). I am so happy that she made it for me. She also gave me a beaded scissor fob (pink). I feel very special.

The Bag

The inside of the bag (2 pockets)

On top of all of these gifts, I received in the mail last week my Secret Santa Christmas gift from one of my exchange groups. I was so happy and surprised. The gift included threads, kits, and tools for stitching.

Thanks for stopping by.


Round Robin ABRR

Well I have finished the last two round for my Round Robin. The first was a Lizzie Kate Christmas pattern for Merriwether. I had fun stitching it and had to outline the cup. The color of the cup was the same as the color of the fabric.

The last one, which I mailed today, was for Georgena. The patterns were the DMC hearts. I stitched on the Hearts of flowers pattern. It was an easy and quick stitch.

Now I am waiting for my RR to come home. I can't wait to see it. I think it will be beautiful.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update - Not stitching

I am trying to get my life in order. I am suppose to be cleaning my house at the moment, the time when there is a lull in my activities. I have to be at work at 3:00 today. I've been hanging out with my friend/cousin Liz for the last few month instead of stitching, but I have several projects due this month. Right now I am working on a round robin and an ornament exchange. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the round robin and only a 1/4 of the way through the ornament but I plan on mailing both of them this weekend.

I received in the mail a wonderful surprise. I was in a Christmas gift exchange this last Christmas but did not receive a gift. Well, the person who was my Secret Santa found my gift wrapped and packaged waiting to be mailed. So, the wonderful woman went ahead and mailed it. It was a great Christmas gift with a couple of kits, some stitching tools, a notepad, and some specialty thread. I really like the gift.

I'm waiting on my round robin to come home. When it arrives I will have to do the back stitching and then put in beads (instead of french knots). It is a Christmas stocking kit that I have had for a while but haven't had time to work on it. I think it will be beautiful.

As far as a job or school, I'm still working part time this summer but I will be able to survive. I have enough money saved to make ends meet. I hope to have a full time job in the fall. School, on the other hand, is moving slowly as usual. I emailed my major professors, one is sick and the other is really busy. But, they said that I needed to send my proposal to them by July 1. Hopefully I will be able to defend the proposal in July or August. My goal is to graduate in December. If I do then it will be 20 years since I graduated with my Bachelors. Keep your fingers crossed that I finish because I am tired of being in school.

Well I have procrastinated long enough, I've got to go clean my house. Until next time...

Thanks for stopping by,