Saturday, my family took me and my brother Ricky out to Red Lobster for our birthdays. Well, mine was in May and his was early June. We had a great time eating and visiting. My sister-in-law, Mari bought a ready-made cake and put the numbers 37 and 40 (near of which are my real ages but we celebrated my "40th'").
My sister Bridget paid for me to attend a scrapbook convention as my gift. As for my sister Jennifer, well she made this beautiful bag. I love it. I have been admiring the two that she made for herself, the one made for Momma, and the one she made for Bridget (CORRECTION: Our friend Lisha made one for Bridget). I am so happy that she made it for me. She also gave me a beaded scissor fob (pink). I feel very special.

The Bag

The inside of the bag (2 pockets)
On top of all of these gifts, I received in the mail last week my Secret Santa Christmas gift from one of my exchange groups. I was so happy and surprised. The gift included threads, kits, and tools for stitching.

Thanks for stopping by.
Beautiful gifts! Congratulations!
Oh how cool! Lots of neat birthday gifts! Happy belated birthday to you!
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