Monday, July 01, 2019

24 Hour Marathon Challenge

I participated in Jen Lee's (@quirksandstitchs) 24 Hour Marathon Challenge this month.  I spent a total of 22 hours stitching over a 48 hour period.  I worked 1-hour per project but didn't stitch on every project.  I only finished one project, Little Sheep Virtues: Patience by Little House Needlework.

I also participated in her June 24 Hour Challenge.  You had to pick projects that title, designer, or theme could be used to spell Twenty Four.  I chose to stitch 144 minutes per project for a total of 24 hours.  I have completed this challenge
T - Tada Penggy by Amy Bruecken
W - Warm Water Wash by Raise the Roof
E - S is for Sheep by Elizabeth's Designs
N - Itchin to be Stitchin by Needle Bling Designs
T - Tiger Lily by Nora Corbett
Y -Happily Every After by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery (Theme: Year of...)

F - Snow Catchers by Fanci That
O - Curious Owl by Art to Heart
U - Sea Hag by Pickle Barrel Design (Theme: Under water)
R - Rooms with a View by Raspberry Patch

I ended up finishing Tada Penggy, Warm Water Wash, & Curious Owl.
Curious Owl by Art by Heart

Warm Water Wash by Raise the Roof

Tada Penggy by Amy Bruecken

Here are photos of what I have worked on:
Snow Catchers by Fanic That
Tiger Lily by Nora Corbett

Happily Ever After by
The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery
Rooms With A View
by Raspberry Patch

Sea Hag by Pickle Barrel Designs
Itchin to be Stitchin
by Needle Bling Designs

S is for Sheep by Elizabeth's Designs

Thanks for stopping by.  I will be posting again really soon.  I went to a retreat this weekend.  I will show you what I worked on .

Thanks again


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