So I started Spring Break at a Conference in Biloxi, MS at the Beau Rivage Casino. I had a great time but I took my Geography content quiz using a coworker's tablet (because mine was dead). Well, her tablet died in the middle of the quiz but I got to finish it on my iPhone. I missed one because I was hurrying to finish (the quiz was only 15 minutes long). I said that China had 1.3 MILLION people when I knew it was BILLION. Next time I will double check before I submit. I no longer have a 100 average.
Then for the rest of the week I have spent cleaning my house and cleaning out my office during the day and stitching on the Celtic Mystery Stitch-a-long. I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked. I have finished the frames for the next two patterns and 1/2 of the Celtic knot on the left. Today I have almost completed my house cleaning. I have half of my desk (which is an L-shaped desk with a bookshelf built in) to finish cleaning. Then I plan on spending the rest of Spring Break stitching. Oh yeah, I have a wedding to go to on Saturday but the rest of the time I will be stitching.
Well got to go watch Teen Titans with Leif and hold him. He's ready for bed and wants all of my attention. Typical of a 5 year old.
Thanks for stopping by,
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