I have three projects to post today. First, I have a friend who loves Scottish Terriers. I sent her a birthday gift (3 months late) but I sent it. In the package were several items but the most important thing was a Scottie scissor fob with scissors. I found the pattern in an old cross-stitch book of dogs. I heard from her and she loves it. I want to make her a Scottie dog Biscornu but the patterns I have are way too big for the Biscornu. I guess I'll have to keep looking. I'll let you know if I find one.

Second, I started the Ink Circles Mystery stitch along. (By the way, they released the second square in the pattern today). While stitching, I get bored with the yellow (but not the black?) So, I use up one cut of floss then stitch on something else in the pattern. I think I am gong to like it when it is finished. My sister, Jennifer, and I picked out the recommended colors. I used DMC because I will use alot of floss. I am using Silkweavers 28ct. Jobelan - Karma. I can't wait to finish this corner and start on the new piece.

Today I go give the last 2 final exams. One at 6pm and the other at 8pm. I can't wait for the semester to be over. But, then I have to finish doing work on my home, write on my dissertation proposal, and look for a job (maybe). I am thinking about taking the summer off, but I don't know if I can afford to do this. We'll see. I'll let you know.
Thanks for stopping by. I have to go give the exams.
Darling fob! I have a friend who loves scotties too...and I think I have the book you're talking about too!
Too cute! I love the fob.
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