I started the Sheperd's Bush "Scatter Sunshine" freebie pattern when it first came out. I decided to do it with DMC floss on a book mark. I just finished it. It is really cute. Now, I have to decide how to back it so that the threads won't pull lose. Mama also said I need to turn the ends down so they won't unravel. I am really happy with this one. It has been in my bag of WIPs for a while. I am working to empty that bag. My goal is to work on two cross stitch patterns and one needlepoint pattern at all times. But, first I have to get my WIPs down to two cross stitch patterns. Of course this plan excludes all the round robins and exchanges that I am in. I also need to find a bee charm that will fit on the bookmark.
Well got to go stitch. I only stopped long enough to post because I haven't posted in 10 days.
Thanks for stopping by.
That is really cute. I can't wait to stitch that one.
Very cute bookmark! Congrats.
That's a great finishing idea for Scatter Sunshine :-)
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