Well the other day I decided to organize my WIPs that are not in a container. I separated them into cross-stitching, needlepoint, and crochet. I have about 3 needlepoint projects with multiple canvases. The first is the Fabrege style eggs (2), the seasons geometrics (8), and the Halloween pudgy. As far as crochet goes, I have 1 afghan I am working on. But, this post will be about the cross-stitch projects that I have actually stitched on.

The first is the beaded purse. The purse is an educational project from my primary EGA group, Stitching Magnolias. We started this last year when we met at Billie's house and began beading the pin tucks. Since then I have finished the flowers, in the middle of the diamonds, and the clusters, where the pintucks meet. We were suppose to meet in February and then in March to finish the purse. I don't have a copy of the book (it was on back order) to continue working on it. I know that it will have a beaded fringe and a beaded handle but I don't know what to do next.

The next project is one that I have had for a long time, Lavender Myst. I bought this at Stitch 'n Frame in Lafayette, LA when I lived there. I think I bought in 1997 and started on it. I guess that it intimidates me because of the thread cutting part. Maybe I can get someone to do that part for me when I finish stitching it. The other thing is that in the border there is a lot of color change. The directions say to do the border completely first, but I am always making a mess. So I am going to work the border as I go. I finally put it on a scroll frame to keep it tight. Several of the rows require the fabric to be in a hoop or frame. I will be surprised if I complete this one.

The third project is the love birds that I am doing for my mother. This one is taking so long because there is a lot of color change with the leaves and flowers but I'm about finished. My mother has decided that she will finish it as a pillow. So, I need to hurry up and finish it.

The fourth project is a kit I am doing for my sister-in-law Mari. This has a few big pieces, like the miner, and a lot of half stitches. The half stitches are used to make a map of the California coast. Then it has a border around it. I thought it would be a really quick stitch but it is not turning out that way. Right now I am backstitching the miner, then I will work on the words "Wild West" and the gun that is below the miner.

The last project in the bag is the Christmas fairy. It is about halfway finished. I am following the pattern and using the specified threads. All I have left are her feet, wings, head, and the tree.
I hope to finish all of these patterns because, as you may know, I have a whole bunch more that I have kitted and want to work on.
Also I have 4 Group Correspondence Courses that are due at the end of April, May, and June. The fourth, I don't know its due date. The one due at the end of April I haven't even started yet. I really need to get busy but I don't know where the time goes. Well I am going to the living room and start stitching.
Thanks for stopping by.
I admire you for arranging your WIP's. Maybe it will rub off on me.
Wow! Lots of WIPS!!!
Now that you are organized you can make some progress on these. Just think, once you finish one you can start a new one.
In my needlepoint world, the word is WISP - "work in slow progress" as opposed to UFO's (unfinished objects) There is a difference. UFO's I will probably never finish. for WISP's there is hope. Having been a designer and stitcher for 40 years, I have a lot of these in both categories - and acquiring more.
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